freelance writer : author : photographer


Established 2007

Hi. I’m the human. Not the cat. 

About Me :

I’ve always been a writer.

I come from a long line of them, starting with my grandmother. Sara Criss was a newspaper reporter and photo journalist in Northern, Mississippi … outfitted with a tiny kitchen office, a teletype and a darkroom under the attic stairs.

Then you have my mother and my aunt – two sisters who have published nearly a dozen books between them, focused on historic preservation and the occasional ghost story that comes along with life down South. 

I am indebted to these women, for surrounding me with stories from an early age. I've been a full-time freelance journalist since 2007, and these days, I reside in the French Quarter of New Orleans, with my husband Chris and our small-but-mighty companion, Vex Venom (shown above).

For the last two decades, I’ve also spent several months per year working and reporting from Southeast Asia. I balance my time between writing and photography, and I most often highlight loud bars and worthy food, interior design and luxury hotels.

When I'm really lucky? My job focuses around telling the stories of all the entertaining people I meet along the way.

I've been a frequent attendee of the Travel Classics conferences for the last decade, and I'm a member of the Society of American Travel Writers. I’m also a member of the New Orleans Photo Alliance. My work in photography is represented by the Where Y’Art Gallery and is currently on exhibition in Cafe Carmo, The Where Y’Art Gallery and at The Old 77 Hotel & Chandlery––all in New Orleans.

I’ve published two books, and I’m the proud mother of a travel/humor blog called Buddha Drinks Fanta.

I’m available for magazine editorial work, but am always eager to hear about any project you have that might benefit from a writer or a photographer.

You can find out more about me on this site. Thanks for being here!